2D Animation Demo Reel
“Stigma” Animated Music Video
Animators Philippines Collab (#AlabPH) 2020
I got together with other Filipino animators and collaborated on a little animated fight challenge, as part of the Animators Philippines Collab (#AlabPH) 2020. The idea was to have each animator create a character that “attacks” the camera, creating a seamless and simple way to have the character interact and fight.
Motion Sickness Animation Challenge
Back in 2015, I was part of a Filipino animators group called Motion Sickness, and when we were active we would just give each other some challenges to do, and put it up on a Tumblr blog as a showcase. And for each challenge, there was a 4 color palette that we had to follow.⠀
Get Lucky New Year
A simple animated New Year’s greeting I made for 2014