Agent 8 (Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion)

Really enjoyed playing the Octo Expansion for Splatoon 2 – even more the Single Player campaign. There’s so much lore and mystery and inward reflection going on for the characters. Really makes Splatoon 2 one of the best games for the Nintendo Switch!

I like how it’s an inward adventure, a journey of self-(re)discovery. I’m a huge sucker for journeys of identity, for analyses & actualizations of self. I like to think the mind is a vast as outer space, and the Octo Expansion is a puzzle-maze set in the vastness of the mind.

Here is Agent 8, sneaking around, trying to get to the Promised Land.

Agent 8 (Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion) Illustration Timelapse Process: